Grains of Sand
Seeking Jesus First
Writing: The Ebb and Flow
Sometimes there is more ebb than flow to writing. These last few years, and particularly 2020, have been challenging. Quite apart from those times when nothing is flowing, I have been heavily involved in life and ministry. The urging of the Spirit of God has brought me to a place where I must make a few adjustments to that involvement in order to pursue writing without some of the distractions—as wonderful as they have been.
I have many writing projects and had hoped to take a sabbatical to work on some of them. That never happened—reality gets in the way of dreams.
However, reality didn't deter some of the dreams and I did get some project finished and others begun. You'll see some of those on the publications gallery page.
I taught this study to three online groups during 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a testing ground for all of us: Can God be trusted? Do I trust Him? The study turned into a book, which I revised—teaching the material always turns up things to improve and corrections to be made! To the original material I added another 50 pages and voilá! Now available on Amazon.
This is also a study-turned-book. This time we travel to Hebrews 11 and 12 to look at some heroes of the faith. They are so human—some more human than we'd like to identify with! The basic notes are included on my blog. This book actually got done (though I confess it needs a little tweaking as far as how the pages look!) It turned out to be a BIG book.
This book—which may be a longer time in coming—grew out of a writer's group I participate in. It is fiction and pretends to tell the story of what life will be like (should the Lord hold off His return until then) in a hundred or so years from now.
This one is a rebuild of Living In The Shadow Of The Cross. There is more to be said about our salvation, what it cost to provide it, and Who provided it for us.
Another study-turned book. While I was in Venezuela a group of ladies asked if I would lead them in a study on the Book of Romans. I had avoided such an exercise because an in-depth study always seemed to end up in a battle around words and what they meant. But the Lord planted in me the urge to set aside what I had been taught and what I had heard to delve into what the Scriptures actually said. This is the result—a journey I am glad I took.
A collection of short reads, fiction and non-fiction, to fill idle moments with purpose.
There are others, but I think working on this list will keep me busy for a long, long time.